
Family Law

Picture of sad girl holding a teddy bear


Divorce laws in New Jersey allow for both fault and no-fault divorces. To file for divorce in New Jersey, at least one spouse must have been a resident of the state for at least one year before filing.

Close up of a puzzle of a house, split into two pieces

Property Division & Spousal Support

Property division refers to the process of dividing assets and liabilities acquired during a marriage or partnership in the event of separation or divorce. This includes real estate, financial assets, personal belongings, and debts. The division typically aims to achieve fairness and equitable distribution .

Spousal support, also known as alimony or maintenance, is financial assistance provided by one spouse to the other after separation or divorce. It is intended to address disparities in income and earning capacity that may arise due to the end of the marital relationship.

Young girl holding hands with an adult

Child Custody & Support

Child custody and support pertain to legal arrangements involving the care, guardianship, and financial provision for children when parents separate or divorce. Custody typically refers to the physical and legal responsibility for a child's upbringing, including decisions about education, healthcare, and general welfare. It can be awarded solely to one parent (sole custody) or shared between both (joint custody). Child support involves financial contributions from one parent to the other to cover the child's living expenses, such as housing, food, clothing, education, and healthcare.

Woman with her hand up to the camera. The word "no" written on her hand in pen.

Domestic Violence

Domestic violence, also known as intimate partner violence, is a pattern of behavior used by one partner to gain power and control over another in an intimate relationship. It can take various forms, including physical, emotional, sexual, and financial abuse, as well as coercion and manipulation. Domestic violence affects individuals of all genders, ages, races, and socioeconomic backgrounds.It often has profound and long-lasting effects on the victim's physical and mental health, as well as on the well-being of any children involved. Breaking the cycle of domestic violence requires intervention, support, and access to resources for both survivors and perpetrators.

Civil Action

Women holding up cardboard signs, protesting behind caution tape

Civil Action

Civil Action is a legal term referring to a lawsuit brought by a private individual or entity against another party, typically seeking compensation or other remedies for alleged wrongdoing. These actions can encompass a wide range of disputes, including contract breaches, personal injury claims, property disputes, and more. Civil actions are distinct from criminal proceedings, as they involve disputes between private parties rather than offenses against society. These cases are typically resolved through negotiation, mediation, or trial in civil court, where a judge or jury determines the outcome based on the evidence presented and applicable laws.

Close-up photo of passports being handed from one person to another. Map on the counter below the passports.


Immigration is the process of individuals moving permanently or temporarily from one country to another with the intention of settling or residing there. It involves various legal, social, and economic considerations, often including obtaining visas, work permits, or residency status. Immigration can be driven by factors such as seeking better economic opportunities, reuniting with family, fleeing persecution or conflict, or pursuing higher education. It plays a significant role in shaping demographics, cultural diversity, and labor markets in destination countries, while also impacting the social fabric and policies of both sending and receiving nations.

Photo of someone driving, from over their shoulder. They are holding an open beer bottle.


Driving Under the Influence, refers to operating a vehicle while impaired by alcohol or drugs, including prescription medications. It is a serious offense with legal and safety implications, as impaired driving poses significant risks to both the driver and others on the road. Penalties for DUI can include fines, license suspension, and even imprisonment, depending on the severity of the offense and jurisdictional laws. Law enforcement agencies often employ various measures, such as breathalyzers and sobriety tests, to detect and deter DUI incidents, aiming to promote road safety and prevent accidents caused by impaired driving.

Picture of bumper-to-bumper traffic

Traffic Violations

Traffic violations are breaches of traffic laws or regulations governing the operation of vehicles on public roads. These infractions range from minor offenses such as speeding or running a red light to more serious violations like driving under the influence (DUI) or reckless driving. They are typically enforced through citations issued by law enforcement officers and may result in fines, license points, license suspension, or even incarceration depending on the severity of the offense and jurisdictional laws. Adhering to traffic regulations is crucial for ensuring road safety and preventing accidents, injuries, and fatalities.

Criminal Matters

Close up picture of handcuffs and a key sitting on a table

Criminal Matters

Criminal Matters is a comprehensive legal service dedicated to navigating the complexities of criminal law. Our team of experienced attorneys specializes in representing individuals facing criminal charges, ranging from misdemeanors to felonies. We provide personalized counsel and strategic defense strategies tailored to each client's unique situation. Whether you're dealing with allegations of theft, assault, drug offenses, or other criminal accusations, we're committed to safeguarding your rights and pursuing the best possible outcome. With our expertise and advocacy, we strive to minimize the impact of criminal charges on your life and future. Trust Criminal Matters to be your ally in the face of legal challenges.

Close up picture of a hand holding house keys.

Real Estate Contracts

Real estate contracts are legally binding agreements that outline the terms and conditions of a real estate transaction between parties, typically a buyer and a seller. These contracts detail various aspects of the sale or lease, including the property's description, purchase price or rental amount, financing terms, contingencies, closing date, and responsibilities of each party. They serve to protect the interests of both parties involved and ensure clarity and accountability throughout the transaction process. Real estate contracts may vary depending on the type of transaction, such as sales contracts for buying or selling property, lease agreements for renting, or option agreements for future purchases.

Woman holding her head in dismay. Man in bed behind her, out of focus.

Revenge Porn

Revenge porn refers to the malicious act of sharing or distributing sexually explicit images or videos of someone without their consent, typically with the intent to harm, embarrass, or humiliate them. This often occurs after a relationship ends, where one party seeks to retaliate against the other. It is a form of cyber exploitation and can have severe emotional, social, and professional consequences for the victim, including harassment, blackmail, and damage to their reputation. Revenge porn is a violation of privacy and consent, and it is illegal in many jurisdictions with laws increasingly being enacted to combat this harmful behavior.

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